Our criminal lawyers are committed to helping you obtain the best possible outcome for your break and enter charge.
Can I avoid a criminal record?
A conviction for this charge is likely.
A community correction order is a common sentence for first time offenders. However, each case is unique. Therefore, you should obtain legal advice to get a more accurate sentence range for your charge.
Therefore, it is possible to go to jail. However, whether you will be sentenced to jail depends on the seriousness of the offence and your subjective circumstances.
In addition, you may be charged with an aggravated offence. This is a more serious charge. Therefore, the likelihood of jail is higher. :
Break and Enter Definition
The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that you:
Broke something in order to gain access to a building or premises, and
Entered that building or premises, and
Committed any serious indictable offence.
Therefore, you will be found not guilty if the prosecution is unable to prove these elements.
What is a ‘serious indictable offence?’
A criminal offence that carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment or more.
We have successfully defended charges of break and enter. In addition, we have had the charge withdrawn by negotiating with the police. However, if you wish to plead guilty, we will work with you to ensure you prepare a strong subjective case in order to seek leniency from the court.
Contact us today on 0421 700 497 for a free initial consultation.