Client Found Not Guilty of Larceny

Our client was recently found not guilty of larceny.

Police alleged that our client stole a handbag worth $1,500 from a restaurant, where she was having dinner with friends. Our client told police that she took the handbag by mistake. However, police still charged her with an offence that carries a maximum penalty of 5 years imprisonment. The prospect of a criminal conviction for a serious offence made our client extremely anxious.

Preparing Our Client’s Case

Zoe worked with our client to build a strategic defence case.

First, she took detailed instructions from our client and provided tailored advice. Following this, we entered a plea of not guilty and ordered the brief of evidence.

After receiving the evidence, we reviewed our strategy. Additionally, we obtained other evidence that would support the defence case by issuing subpoenas and speaking with witnesses.

The matter then proceeded to a hearing in the Local Court. Zoe cross-examined the police witnesses, and called evidence from a number of defence witnesses.

Outcome: Not Guilty

Ultimately, Zoe was able to convince the magistrate that the prosecutor had not proved the elements of the offence. Specifically, the prosecutor had not established that our client had an intention to permanently deprive the owner of the handbag.

As a result, the magistrate found our client not guilty of larceny.

We Can Help

If you believe you are not guilty of an offence, it is important you receive quality legal advice and representation.

As a result of years of experience specialising in criminal law, our lawyers are able to implement effective strategies to ensure our clients receive the best possible outcome. We provide a premium service, with a focus on keeping you involved and informed.

If you are finding the court process confusing, or you wish to understand your options, contact us on 0421 700 497 to book a FREE initial consultation.

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