Domestic Violence and AVOs
If you breach an AVO, we are here to help . We are not only committed to helping you obtain the best possible outcome, but we ensure you remain fully informed throughout the court proceedings. Contact us for free advice.
Will I get a criminal record for breach AVO?
It is possible to avoid a criminal conviction for contravening an AVO.
The likelihood of this outcome depends on the seriousness of the offence and your subjective circumstances. If it is a minor breach of an AVO, a court will likely be more lenient. However, a breach involving violence will likely result in a conviction and may result in imprisonment.
Generally, a court will consider a conditional release order or a community corrections order for this offence.
Will I go to jail for contravening an AVO?
Yes, it is possible to go to jail for breaching an AVO. The maximum penalty is $5,500 and/or a term of imprisonment of 2 years.
The likelihood of jail depends on the seriousness of the offence, and your subjective circumstances. For example, if the breach involves violence, there is strong possibility that you will go to jail. The chance of going to jail also increases if you repeatedly contravene the AVO, even if the breaches are minor.
If I defend the charge, what must be proved?
The prosecution must prove beyond reasonable doubt that:
Therefore, you will be found not guilty if the prosecution is unable to prove these elements.
We have successfully defended charges of breach AVO. In addition, we have had the charge withdrawn by negotiating with the police. However, if you wish to plead guilty, we will work with you to ensure you prepare a strong subjective case in order to seek leniency from the court.
Contact us today on 0421 700 497 for a free initial consultation.