Past cases and resources

Teacher found not guilty of historical sexual assault

Yesterday, our client was found not guilty of 18 charges, following a 4 week jury trial before Sydney District Court. Zoe has been by our client’s side for the past 3 years since the criminal charges were laid. This morning, she received the following feedback: “Words can not fully express

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Mid Range Drink Driving – No Criminal Conviction Recorded

Since the introduction of the Guideline Judgment for Drink Driving in 2004, NSW courts have taken a strong approach to drink driving offences. In particular, mid range and high range drink driving, where it is extremely difficult to avoid a conviction. However, last week we successfully obtained a section 10 non conviction

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What is the definition of Drug Supply in NSW?

The definition of drug supply in NSW is very broad. It includes taking part in any step in the supply of drugs. Examples of Drug Supply Therefore, “supply” includes the following acts:   Selling or distributing a prohibited drug Agreeing to supply or offering to supply a prohibited drug, even if you do not physically

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Successful Licence Suspension Appeal – P1 Driver

Last week, our client was able to get his licence back following a successful licence suspension appeal at Newcastle Local Court. Provisional licence holders can find themselves with their licence suspended very quickly. This is because P1 drivers hold only 4 demerit points. For P2 drivers, this increases to 7 points.

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What is an Intensive Correction Order?

An Intensive Correction Order (ICO) is a sentence of imprisonment imposed by a court. However, the term of imprisonment is served within the community. Standard ICO Conditions An ICO requires you to obey strict conditions. The order can include standard conditions and additional conditions. As a result, an ICO can

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What is a Community Correction Order?

A Community Correction Order (CCO) is a sentence imposed by a court upon conviction. It is an alternative sentence to imprisonment.  Conditions The standard conditions are: To be of good behaviour Appear before a court if called on to do so Notify the court if you change address. Additional conditions can also be

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Client Found Not Guilty of Larceny

Our client was recently found not guilty of larceny. Police alleged that our client stole a handbag worth $1,500 from a restaurant, where she was having dinner with friends. Our client told police that she took the handbag by mistake. However, police still charged her with an offence that carries a

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Will an AVO show on a criminal record?

No, an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) will not show on a criminal record. Why not? An AVO will not appear on a criminal record because it is not a criminal charge. Instead, it is a civil proceeding. This means that in order to make a Final AVO, a court must

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