Will an AVO show on a criminal record?

No, an Apprehended Violence Order (AVO) will not show on a criminal record.

Why not?

An AVO will not appear on a criminal record because it is not a criminal charge. Instead, it is a civil proceeding.

This means that in order to make a Final AVO, a court must be convinced “on the balance of probabilities” that the AVO is necessary, instead of “beyond reasonable doubt”.

Offences that will show on a criminal record

A conviction for a criminal charge that is related to domestic violence will be on a criminal record.

Police will often issue an AVO as well as charge you with a domestic violence related offence. This can include common assaultdamage property or intimidation. As a result, if you are convicted, it will appear on your record.

Similarly, the AVO can appear on your record if it is breached. For example, the AVO may require you to not contact a person within 12 hours of consuming drugs or alcohol. Police can then charge you with contravene or breach AVO. Therefore, if you are convicted the charge will show on your record.

We can help

Domestic violence matters can be emotionally difficult and complex. If you require more information, please visit our Apprehended Domestic Violence Order page.

We believe that experience and preparation is key to providing quality representation. We are committed to helping you to obtain the best possible outcome for your case.

Contact us on 0421 700 497 for free initial advice. 

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